#Desisex @ Dalnet stats by `010101010101

Statistics generated on Sunday 2 March 2025 - 23:59:01 PKT
During this 8-day reporting period, a total of 106 different nicks were represented on #Desisex.

Daily activity (last 8 days)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 _the-Hunter_274 1390278180 54842.2272.44 days ago"That's where the non vanilla stories exist _radha"
2 Brutus-rp1211 5691037062 30460.8378.2today"ACTION looking for RP partner who enjoys kinky roleplays full of"
3 hot_indian33m473 14407030 14010.058.0yesterday"hi ! anyone wanna roleplay/chat sexy hot dirty ? pm me plz"
4 _Nasir45khi_12 33366 9933.0178.33 days ago"hi 45 m khi, any female for long term secret relations/fun in rea"
5 Need^Sincere93 125410 645.328.3today"Any 50+ top here from Islamabad?"
6 Rishi4rp1 162 6262.0406.0today"* Rishi4rp is looking for RP partner who enjoys kinky roleplays full of suspense and mystery. There can be alot of ideas involving detectives, Artificial Intelligence, Sci-Fi, cheating, cucking, Bullying or even total taboo. Each scene presents a unique puzzle, memorable characters, and a captivating narrative that will keep players engrossed from start to finish. If anyone interested then feel free to message me!"
7 BOOBS_RESEARCHER23 51837 5511.068.2yesterday"koi aurat boobs researcher kay sath roleplay karay gi.?"
8 sweaty_bra411 63669 518.552.3today"pleasant morning hehehhee, anyone up to chat/? message me"
9 Fozia36_USA13 1349 493.813.7yesterday"meri gori dost aur us ka bf"
10 JungliDarinda10 1045 454.522.67 days ago"yeah obviously holes r needed"
11 Oldman4561 7386 446.332.4today"Any willing lady from rwp/ isb?"
12 Zeeshan_39_Khi55 101922 414.147.9yesterday"Seen! *uid657766@47b8-30e7-7053-7f3f-56f.ilkley.irccloud.com"
13 looking4botm4 440 4010.048.0yesterday"ny young botm/slave from khi msg me for real fun"
14 cloudy_mist7 740 405.731.17 days ago"hi"
15 Masterbating_on_Cam42 62414 386.338.36 days ago"naila_raza: i am but for real or cyber only"
16 over_garam23 51027 377.438.22 days ago"hi"
17 Babar^^81 9315 364.017.72 days ago"Voice sex on Skype or Google chat or fone sex ?"
18 WIDOWS_HELPER32 52213 357.036.0yesterday"koi aurat hay yahan roleplay kay liye"
19 naila_raza113 516411 316.234.63 days ago"velentain day ki raat ko bike per roads per ghoomna a"
20 High_Life2 228 2814.075.02 days ago"anyone real here and wants a real connection"
21 YngGuyHardT0y_3 327 279.047.75 days ago"* YngGuyHardT0y_ slaps veena_ around a bit with a large fishbot"
22 Rawal-21 3189 279.048.3yesterday"* Rawal- slaps submissivecunt around a bit with a large fishbot"
23 thandi_garam3 327 279.049.33 days ago"* thandi_garam slaps YoungUsed around a bit with a large fishbot"
24 M41_5 524 244.824.84 days ago"soon or later it will d shape"
25 Dusky_Sandy1 121 2121.0109.05 days ago"any decent guys here who had real 3some experience and interested"
26 _BTM_M29 11316 191.76.3yesterday"great"
27 thandi_garami111 3199 196.332.76 days ago"hi"
28 Shayan_Alvi11 299 189.051.5today"* Shayan_Alvi slaps Sehar_Zaidi__ around a bit with a large fishbot"
29 m4ff_mature^fwb2 218 189.049.57 days ago"* m4ff_mature^fwb slaps Turkishlady around a bit with a large fishbot"
30 fog_dew2 218 189.052.04 days ago"* fog_dew slaps Misss-player around a bit with a large fishbot"
31 Rawal-_11 299 189.047.52 days ago"* Rawal-_ slaps ansa_jehan around a bit with a large fishbot"
32 mywife4U2 216 168.044.56 days ago"looking to share my wife with a trustworthy guy"
33 rituuu1 116 1616.085.0today"This channel is protected, you may need to wait 30 seconds before"
34 mumtaz_humayun1 114 1414.068.03 days ago"i charge 500 rps for phone sx ..call me ..45 hot f isb ..0301XXXX"
35 Rimaa__1 114 1414.073.02 days ago"Anybody educated and decent man for rp msg me in private.. indian"
36 LunD--41 5112 132.615.25 days ago"!seen sabeena"
37 wana_suck2 213 136.545.05 days ago"Sabeena bhai kese ho 😜😜😜"
38 fsdbot403 313 134.320.7yesterday"hello all. any top for chit chat?"
39 MotaLun11 275 126.026.52 days ago"Any female for real fun PM me"
40 Mind-Hunter3 311 113.719.32 days ago"anyone for detailed mfm play?"
41 _12312 392 113.720.35 days ago"hi"
42 FeetLicker1 110 1010.051.05 days ago"any female want their feet to be licked and sucked"
43 Misss-player3 310 103.320.0yesterday"Prof_33m: i don’t chat in main"
44 Mature_Decent_Mard2 210 105.026.5today"Qqq11"
45 Wavy_hairs1 19 99.060.0today"* Wavy_hairs slaps Feed`My`Frankenstein around a bit with a large fishbot"
46 orcharrd1 19 99.048.05 days ago"* orcharrd slaps lubna22_ around a bit with a large fishbot"
47 sarad_garam1 19 99.049.07 days ago"* sarad_garam slaps Braless35 around a bit with a large fishbot"
48 Bull--12 354 93.019.03 days ago"Any one interested in voice ?"
49 garam_garami1 19 99.049.0yesterday"* garam_garami slaps sara-gull around a bit with a large fishbot"
50 MotaLola13 426 82.012.52 days ago"!seen faryaal"
51 Hotuncletop42isb1 18 88.040.03 days ago"Hi everyone it's me 42 m from Islamabad"
52 n180702 27 73.517.02 days ago"khi top anyone"
53 Aneela_Rp42 652 71.23.53 days ago"hi"
54 Topuncleisb_1 17 77.032.04 days ago"Hi all any bottom looking for me"
55 Prof_33m2 27 73.522.0yesterday"Greetings Misss-player"
56 maaha4 47 71.812.5today"!seen Dawgie[s]"
57 sania_s21 342 62.010.0yesterday"rp anyone?"
58 Naughty-Guy`3 36 62.011.0today"!seen babee"
59 Libran_1 16 66.031.0yesterday"Ismein rules Hain is channel ke"
60 EvilBandA_1 15 55.025.0today"Hey sexyBaby how u doing"
61 GandiChat2 25 52.58.57 days ago"any one?\"
62 JeanzGuy21-khi14 514 51.03.43 days ago"helllo"
63 Muzamil2 24 42.014.05 days ago"!seen ^nazish^"
64 Aiman_khi2 24 42.07.0yesterday"hey all"
65 naila_2711 213 42.09.5today"salam for all"
66 safeena__1 14 44.019.04 days ago"any one pathan here"
67 nangi2 24 42.08.02 days ago"mazhabi"
68 razakhan_11 221 31.57.5today"Hi aneela"
69 Sexy_Sana2 23 31.56.56 days ago"hi"
70 Bluemoon`1 13 33.017.06 days ago"Anyone from Dubai"
71 _radha2 23 31.57.04 days ago"•"
72 dhakhinow1 13 33.015.02 days ago"dha khi anyone"
73 shahidjeee_2 22 21.04.0today"howru"
74 Alchoholic1 12 22.013.0today" Any kutti ;)"
75 MAZBOOT_LUN1 12 22.014.04 days ago"!seen ^Nazish^"
76 Mahera-24-Fantasy-Roleplayer11 211 21.08.02 days ago"Roleplay"
77 Core69301 12 22.017.0today"!seen assintights"
78 Mahammm1 12 22.012.04 days ago"!seen jawad^"
79 nangi_larki2 22 21.02.0today"hi"
80 Bad-Sweet-Queen1 12 22.015.05 days ago"!seen hazeleyes"
81 Samiira1 12 22.07.04 days ago"Ok good"
82 Mahamm1 12 22.015.07 days ago"roleplay Guys ?"
83 Uzmaa_Azeem1 12 22.07.06 days ago"!top 10"
84 Aiman-Khi_1 12 22.06.04 days ago"hi all"
85 furqaaN_1 12 22.014.0yesterday"!seen ^NazisH^"
86 Truck_Driver2 22 21.02.0today"hi"
87 Rough-Rider1 12 22.013.0today"!seen anahita"
88 `0101010101011 12 22.012.0yesterday"Hello World." `010101010101
89 Bi-Curious_1 11 11.02.07 days ago"hi"
90 Naiilaa1 11 11.02.04 days ago"So"
91 nasir1 11 11.02.03 days ago"Hi"
92 kps1 11 11.03.07 days ago"yes"
93 Shumi_1 11 11.02.02 days ago"Hi"
94 wasi1 11 11.03.07 days ago"yes"
95 subcunt1 11 11.05.06 days ago"Hello"
96 simply_gay1 11 11.02.0today"hi"
97 SuckerLHR1 11 11.02.03 days ago"hi"
98 nayi_naveli1 11 11.05.02 days ago"umnmh"
99 Somiya1 11 11.01.04 days ago"K"
100 Hot_Hinaa1 11 11.02.07 days ago"hi"

These didn't make it to the top:
cloud_mist (1) _muth_voice (1) orchard (1) Hot_hina (1) Kashmina (1)
ZoyaPak26_ (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 JungliDarinda - 10 _BTM_M - 9 Fozia36_USA - 13 Zeeshan_39_Khi - 5
2 Need^Sincere - 9 _the-Hunter_ - 7 hot_indian33m - 7 _the-Hunter_ - 4
3 Babar^^ - 8 cloudy_mist - 7 JeanzGuy21-khi - 4 MotaLola - 3
4 Oldman45 - 6 maaha - 4 LunD-- - 4 over_garam - 3
5 M41_ - 5 sweaty_bra - 4 Naughty-Guy` - 3 thandi_garam - 3
6 Zeeshan_39_Khi - 5 hot_indian33m - 4 WIDOWS_HELPER - 3 naila_raza - 3
7 Masterbating_on_Cam - 4 Need^Sincere - 3 m4ff_mature^fwb - 2 BOOBS_RESEARCHER - 3
8 Aneela_Rp - 4 fsdbot40 - 3 _Nasir45khi_ - 2 Mind-Hunter - 3
9 looking4botm - 4 Misss-player - 3 Muzamil - 2 hot_indian33m - 3
10 mywife4U - 2 Prof_33m - 2 sania_s - 2 YngGuyHardT0y_ - 3
11 nangi - 2 _radha - 2 _123 - 2 Masterbating_on_Cam - 2
12 _the-Hunter_ - 2 Rawal- - 2 wana_suck - 2 Bull-- - 2
13 Sexy_Sana - 2 over_garam - 2 nangi_larki - 2 Truck_Driver - 2
14 n18070 - 2 fog_dew - 2 Topuncleisb_ - 1 GandiChat - 2
15 BOOBS_RESEARCHER - 2 Mature_Decent_Mard - 2 MotaLola - 1 WIDOWS_HELPER - 2
16 High_Life - 2 Brutus-rp - 2 safeena__ - 1 shahidjeee_ - 2
17 _BTM_M - 2 Aiman_khi - 2 Uzmaa_Azeem - 1 Aneela_Rp - 2
18 Hotuncletop42isb - 1 cloud_mist - 1 Hot_Hinaa - 1 furqaaN_ - 1
19 Bull-- - 1 Shayan_Alvi - 1 Rawal-_ - 1 Aiman-Khi_ - 1
20 Shayan_Alvi - 1 Rishi4rp - 1 MotaLun - 1 Libran_ - 1
21 Mahamm - 1 JeanzGuy21-khi - 1 orchard - 1 Rawal- - 1
22 dhakhinow - 1 MotaLun - 1 thandi_garami - 1 `010101010101 - 1
23 Rawal-_ - 1 thandi_garami - 1 rituuu - 1 ZoyaPak26_ - 1
24 Hot_hina - 1 Rough-Rider - 1 naila_raza - 1 garam_garami - 1
25 naila_raza - 1 Mahera-24-Fantasy-Roleplayer - 1 Mahera-24-Fantasy-Roleplayer - 1 thandi_garami - 1
26 EvilBandA_ - 1 Core6930 - 1 wasi - 1 _muth_voice - 1
27 subcunt - 1 _Nasir45khi_ - 1 simply_gay - 1 Kashmina - 1
28 Wavy_hairs - 1 Alchoholic - 1 Mahammm - 1 Brutus-rp - 1
29 Brutus-rp - 1 _123 - 1 Brutus-rp - 1 sweaty_bra - 1
30 FeetLicker - 1 orcharrd - 1 sweaty_bra - 1 sania_s - 1
31 Bi-Curious_ - 1 Babar^^ - 1 sarad_garam - 1 Naiilaa - 1
32 nasir - 1 naila_27 - 1 Rimaa__ - 1 LunD-- - 1
33 razakhan_ - 1   naila_27 - 1 razakhan_ - 1
34 Bluemoon` - 1   SuckerLHR - 1 kps - 1
35 nayi_naveli - 1     Shumi_ - 1
36 Dusky_Sandy - 1     MAZBOOT_LUN - 1
37       Oldman45 - 1
38       Somiya - 1
39       Bad-Sweet-Queen - 1
40       Samiira - 1
41       mumtaz_humayun - 1

Big numbers
Is sweaty_bra stupid or just asking too many questions? 100.0% lines contained a question!
hot_indian33m didn't know that much either. 100.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was MotaLola, who yelled 100.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was hot_indian33m, who shouted 100.0% of the time!
Everybody had their shift-key under control. :)
over_garam is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * over_garam slaps Jasmin_ around a bit with a large fishbot

cloudy_mist can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 4 times.
Poor Misss-player, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 5 times.
For example, like this:
     * cloudy_mist slaps Misss-player around a bit with a large fishbot

Aneela_Rp seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 2 times.
Oldman45 brings happiness to the world. 28.6% lines contained smiling faces. :)
JungliDarinda isn't a sad person either, smiling 20.0% of the time.
Nobody is sad in #Desisex! What a happy channel. :-)
Brutus-rp wrote the longest lines, averaging 378.2 letters per line.
#Desisex average was 45.8 letters per line.
JeanzGuy21-khi wrote the shortest lines, averaging 3.4 characters per line.
Aneela_Rp was tight-lipped, too, averaging 3.5 characters.
_the-Hunter_ spoke a total of 548 words!
_the-Hunter_'s faithful follower, Brutus-rp, didn't speak so much: 304 words.
Rishi4rp wrote an average of 62.00 words per line.
Channel average was 7.87 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 WIld_Fucker (5 names) RolePlayer, Nick^, Deeep_Driller, DarkLustRP, Wild_Fucker
2 manto (3 names) Guest58458, manto, jeemain
3 StrongBull (3 names) StrongBull, Guest18484, Bohat-Kaala-Hai
4 `010101010101 (3 names) `Zer01, Rough`n`Tough, `010101010101
5 _123 (3 names) _123, _Skyp_voice_hot, _50khi
6 Saimashah28 (3 names) Saimashah28, saimashah_28, Guest37483
7 BlackMan (3 names) BlackMan, Guest68965, BlackBlackMan
8 Nabeela_ (2 names) Guest34374, Nabeela_
9 Bahzad (2 names) Bahzad, Guest79297
10 TheWeirdo (2 names) Guest68731, TheWeirdo
11 wasi (2 names) Guest61649, wasi
12 TheDe-orbitedOne (2 names) TheDe-orbitedOne, Shahkaal
13 Shayan_Alvi (2 names) Guest86383, Shayan_Alvi
14 BeMyShemaleWife (2 names) BeMyShemaleWife, genderfluid
15 Chocochum (2 names) Guest79235, Chocochum
16 Ganda__Mard (2 names) Core7259, Ganda__Mard
17 nida_khan (2 names) nida_khan, Guest74743
18 BadAndWorst (2 names) BadAndWorst_, BadAndWorst
19 Ritessh (2 names) Ritessh, Ritessh_
20 Womann (2 names) Womann, Womann_
21 saimashah_28 (2 names) saimashah_28, Saimashah28
22 Lahori^Guy (2 names) Lahori^Guy_, Lahori^Guy
23 Ritessh_ (2 names) Ritessh, Ritessh_
24 khan (2 names) khan, Guest19175
25 m40khi (2 names) Guest73538, m40khi
26 abyshake-_m- (2 names) abyshake-_m-_, abyshake-_m-
27 alone (2 names) Guest45071, alone
28 Womann_ (2 names) Womann, Womann_
29 Cuntroller (2 names) cuntroller, Guest84246
30 Lahori^Guy_ (2 names) Lahori^Guy_, Lahori^Guy
31 _50Khi (2 names) _123, _50Khi
32 Guest83812 (2 names) Guest83812, obelisk
33 BadAndWorst_ (2 names) BadAndWorst_, BadAndWorst
34 abyshake-_m-_ (2 names) abyshake-_m-, abyshake-_m-_

Most active gender
 GenderNumber of linesNick
1 Male 3 3 Truck_Driver (2), `010101010101 (1)

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 with 46 over_garam
2 and 40 Brutus-rp
3 for 37 Mind-Hunter
4 any 37 MotaLun
5 seen 34 furqaaN_
6 around 30 over_garam
7 slaps 29 over_garam
8 fishbot 29 over_garam
9 large 29 over_garam
10 bit 29 over_garam

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 ;) 3 Oldman45
2 :) 2 JungliDarinda

Other interesting numbers
cute-sis wasn't very popular, getting kicked 9 times!
For example, like this:
     *** cute-sis was kicked by Amomaxia (inappropriate nick. - Kick Counter: 7821)

Deendaar_Mard seemed to be hated too: 3 kicks were received.
Amomaxia is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 42 people!
ChanServ donated 2 ops in the channel...
ChanServ is the channel sheriff with 1 deops.
ChanServ donated 2 voices in the channel...
No voices were taken on #Desisex!
_the-Hunter_ always lets us know what he/she's doing: 12 actions!
For example, like this:
     * _the-Hunter_ is looking for a creative roleplaying female partner who loves crafting fun stories! Whether you're into medieval adventures, Disney-inspired fantasies, or modern-day plots, I'd love to help you pass on the pleasure. Feel free to message me with your preferences and ideas- Lets get started.

Also, cloudy_mist tells us what's up with 4 actions.
Babar^^ talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 1 times!
Mature_Decent_Mard couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 87 joins during this reporting period!
Nobody is foul-mouthed in #Desisex! Get out much?

Latest Topics
#Desisex is moderated (The main window of the channel is locked for chat.) till 3rd April 2025 - [[ Channel's Rules: https://desidalnet.uk.to/ ]] - [[ WebSeen Live: https://webseen.desidalnet.uk.to ]] - [[ Channel's Web Logs: https://logs.desidalnet.uk.to ]] yesterday at 00:00 by Amomaxia
The topic was set 1 times.
Total number of lines: 10566.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 00 seconds

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